CASULA GÓTICA "JESUS CRUCIFICADO" - ARS 845-AF26g 6 531,82 R$ no 10x 725,76 R$ without interest 7 257,58 R$
CASULA ROMANA "JESUS CRUCIFICADO" - ARS R796-C8 6 847,63 R$ no 10x 760,85 R$ without interest 7 608,48 R$
Capa de asperge gótica "Cordeiro de Deus" - URB: “Baranek Boży” 6 194,23 R$ no 10x 688,25 R$ without interest 6 882,48 R$
CASULA GÓTICA "CORDEIRO DE DEUS" - URB: “Baranek Boży” 10 887,82 R$ no 10x 1 209,76 R$ without interest 12 097,58 R$
CASULA GÓTICA "CORDEIRO DE DEUS" - URB: “Baranek” 2 687,65 R$ no 10x 298,63 R$ without interest 2 986,28 R$
CASULA GÓTICA "CORDEIRO DE DEUS" - URB: “Baranek” 3 675,87 R$ no 10x 408,43 R$ without interest 4 084,30 R$
CASULA GÓTICA "CORDEIRO DE DEUS" - URB: “Baranek” 3 675,87 R$ no 10x 408,43 R$ without interest 4 084,30 R$
Capa de asperge romana "Última Ceia" - URB: “Ostatnia Wieczerza” 8 546,47 R$ no 10x 949,61 R$ without interest 9 496,08 R$
CASULA ROMANA "JESUS CRUCIFICADO" - PHA/18 AKSAMIT 3 722,20 R$ no 10x 413,58 R$ without interest 4 135,78 R$
Casula semigótica "Cordeiro de Deus" - ARS GY817-AGC26 2 861,89 R$ no 10x 317,99 R$ without interest 3 179,88 R$
copy of CASULA GÓTICA "JESUS RESSUSCITADO" - URB: "Jezus Zmartwychwstały” 3 819,42 R$ no 10x 424,38 R$ without interest 4 243,80 R$
copy of FRONTAL DO ALTAR "CORDEIRO DE DEUS" - URB: „Baranek” szeroka 557,37 R$ no 10x 61,93 R$ without interest 619,30 R$
Novo copy of CASULA SEMIGÓTICA "SAGRADO CORAÇÃO DE JESUS" - KOR 254 2 671,20 R$ no 10x 296,80 R$ without interest 2 968,00 R$